Include data from your orders

Using text templates, static text can be freely combined with template variables that pull information from your shop’s orders.

Template Variables

In the example above, the resulting label would look something like the following, depending on the information in the order it was printed for:

Order #12345
Recipient contact: (555) 555-5555

How to use a text template to show data from your orders

From the custom label design editor:

Text appearance

Font settings for the variable dropdown can be set the same as static text. The dropdown's background color will become yellow when selected.

Text template variables

The following variables are available in text templates to allow displaying data from your orders:

Order Name
Unique identifier for the order.
Order Note
Contents of the note associated with the order.
Discount Code
Discount code provided by the customer.
Weight (lb)
Total weight (lb) of the order.
Weight (oz
Total weight (oz) of the order.
Weight (grams)
Total weight (grams) of the order.
Weight (kilo)
Total weight (kilograms) of the order.
Phone number provided by the customer.
Email address provided by the customer.
Customer Full Name
The full name of the customer, based on the values for first name and last name. If the first name and last name are not available, then this falls back to the customer's email address, and if that is not available, the customer's phone number.
Customer First Name
The customer's first name.
Customer Last Name
The customer's last name.
Customer Phone
The customer's phone number.
Customer Note
A note about the customer.
Mailing Address Phone
A unique phone number for the customer.
Mailing Address Name
Mailing address recipient name.
Mailing Address First Name
Mailing address recipient first name.
Mailing Address Last Name
Mailing address recipient last name.
Mailing Address Street 1
The first line of the mailing address. Typically the street address or PO Box number.
Mailing Address Street 2
The second line of the mailing address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit.
Mailing Address Company
The name of the customer's company or organization.
Mailing Address Zip
The zip or postal code of the mailing address.
Mailing Address City
The name of the mailing address city, district, village, or town.
Mailing Address Province
The region of the mailing address, such as the province, state, or district.
Mailing Address Province Code
The two-letter code for the region of the mailing address, such as the province, state, or district.
Mailing Address Country
The name of the country of the mailing address.
Mailing Address Country Code
The two-letter code for the country of the mailing address.
Current Total Price
The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned.
Current Subtotal Price
The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned. This includes order-level discounts. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order.
Total Shipping Price
Total amount charged for shipping the order.
Current Cart Discount Amount
The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned. This doesn't include line item discounts.
Shipping Rate Title
The name of the shipping rate assigned to the order

What is the difference between the telephone number variables?

A Shopify order can contain multiple telephone numbers.

The telephone number associated with the order.
Customer phone
The telephone number from the customer's profile.
Mailing address phone
The telephone number associated with the address, which is the order's shipping address (or the customer's default address if the shipping address is not available).
Super Address Labels

Super Address Labels is an application for Shopify that enables merchants to print addresses and other data from their orders onto label sheet templates made by Avery, Dymo, and other manufacturers, using a laser/inkjet or direct thermal printer.

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